Thoughts on the RE3 Remake Demo

Jason O’Toole

Credit: Capcom / IGN

We finally have a demo for the upcoming remake of Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. I have had my hands on time with it for a couple of days now and I have a few thoughts to share.

The Controls Are Perfect

If you’re like me then you have probably played the RE2 remake from last year quite a bit at this point. Now that I’ve got to play the next remake from Capcom, I will say that the controls are nearly identical. As soon as I was granted control of Jill I knew exactly what to do. The demo pauses to give quick tutorials but they are not necessary if you played RE2. The only change is the addition of the quick dodge that allows you to sidestep the enemies in the game, which was a core element from the original. This brings me to my next point.

The Quick Dodge Is Your Best Friend

Something that is constantly on your mind while playing a survival horror game is that you need to conserve ammo for the bigger moments such as boss fights or other monsters besides zombies. This often necessitates avoiding smaller enemies which the quick dodge will help with. It allows you to sidestep incoming attacks and if timed well will even slow down time temporarily to help you reorient yourself quickly or run away. I even tested it on the Nemesis during the encounter near the end of the demo. The fact that it works on him is good evidence that this mechanic will work on all the different enemy types in the final game. Which brings me to my final point.

The Nemesis Is Terrifying

Everyone remembers the panic they would feel when the booming footsteps of Mr. X would grow louder as he approached. He would slowly stalk you through the police station when he would hear you running or firing a gun. While this was chilling it was manageable. The Nemesis however plows at you like a freight train. He runs at full speed and can even jump around the map to cut off escape routes. It is absolutely shit your pants scary as he can kill you quickly if you react too slowly to his presence. I can’t wait to experience this mechanic in the full game. Resident Evil 3 Remake will release on April 3rd.

Stay Geeky!